Whether you are taking a student loan or a housing loan, the most common question you will have is how much do you have to pay every month and for how long.
We can help you that, all you need is downloading this app and provide the loan amount, repayment period and interest rate, this Loan Calculator quickly computes the equated monthly instalments (EMI) you need to pay in order to service the loan.
Loan Calculator can make life-changing decisions a lot easier. Plan out your entire payment schedule and figure out what works best for you. Conquer your loan and be the master of your future!
Many banks offer different conditions and you can not make your choice? Loan Calculator calculates the monthly payment, the amount of interest paid, the total cost of credit, and amortization Schedule. Enter the data and the result will be generated.
What can you do?
• Calculated results based on total Loan, interest Rate, loan term and any Extra Payment. Itll show you your monthly payment, total interest payed, total amount payed interest savings, and much more!
• View 4 helpful graphs to easily visualize your loan!
Developed by Driple Agency
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